
The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel UNITED to The Scapular of Our Lady Mediatrix of all Grace: 


800 years ago St. Dominic, founder of the Dominicans, made this prophecy: "One Day, through the Rosary and Scapular, She Will Save the World." The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is a great gift from heaven. The Brown Scapular is a sacramental, a sign of faith.  It is part of the habit of Carmel. The Carmelite Order, to which the scapular belongs, originated on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land near the cave of Elijah the Prophet, who was the inspiration of the early members of Carmel. During the last apparition at Fatima (October 13, 1917), the Blessed Mother held in Her hand a Brown Scapular while She presented Herself as Our Lady of Mount Carmel. When asked why Our Lady held it, Sr. Lucia answered, “….because She wants everyone to wear the Scapular… because it is our sign of Consecration to Her Immaculate Heart”.

St. Simon Stock, General of the Carmelite Order, was the man God chose to accomplish great work in his Order. About 1251, when difficulties seemed insurmountable, Simon had recourse to Mary, who he loved. According to tradition, She appeared to him and made the Scapular of the Carmelite habit a sign of Her special love and a Pledge of Her Motherly protection, saying: “This shall be to you and all Carmelites a privilege, that anyone who dies clothed in this shall not suffer eternal fire; and if wearing it they die, they shall be saved”.
To obtain the full benefit of the Brown Scapular devotion, one must be validly invested in the Brown Scapular. Only priests are permitted to invest someone in the Brown Scapular. 16 July, Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a good day for this. A deteriorated scapular should be burned or buried; any metal or plastic covering may be discarded. The new scapular must be blessed before using it. We should kiss the Scapular devoutly when in temptation and we awake from sleep. It is a precious, wordless embrace with Mary, Our Mother. Pope Benedict XV attached 500 days indulgence to this simple act.

In 1950, Pope Pius XII wrote the now-famous words concerning the Scapular: “Let it be your Sign of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which we are particularly urging in these perilous times.” St. John Paul II,” The sign of the Scapular evokes two truths: constant protection of the Blessed Virgin, not only on life’s journey, but also at the moment of passing into eternal life.” On 17th July 2011, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI referred to wearing the Scapular as a "particular sign of union with Jesus and Mary,” when he addressed Polish-speaking pilgrims gathered at the papal summer residence in Castel Gandolfo to pray the midday Angelus. "For those who wear it, it is a sign of Filial abandonment to the Protection of the Immaculate Virgin," he said. "In our battle against evil, may Mary, our Mother wrap us in Her Mantle."


We have four important Messages from Our  Lady:                                                                                        

1) Feast day of the Visitation of Our Lady, 31st May 2011, Our Lady speaks to iveta: “…I desire that you bring forth this Scapular, just like the one I made known to Dominic My beloved son. It shall have The Image of I WHO AM THE MOTHER OF GOD with the CHILD JESUS and Dominic My beloved son receiving The Scapular with the brown (fabric) as a remembrance of, My brown Mantle attached to it.

On the second part, shall be the same as The Mediatrix Medal’s front and back reveals. In this way it shall be that in these times I shall protect and conquer souls for God. This promise is for those who wear it: shall walk hand in hand and in My Shadow. No evil shall snatch them from ME, their Heavenly Mother.

The two parts revealed shall be bound together with a white cord, to reveal that when you wear it, you are united to I WHO AM THE MOTHER OF GOD, Our Lady of Mt ( Mount ) Carmel, Mediatrix of All Graces. This is My Motherly promise to all My beloved children. I love you dearly and desire to bring you to heaven when your exile on Earth is completed. Amen…”

 2) Our Lady of Fatima Feast Day Batim Ganxim Goa, October 13th 2014 : Our   Lady's Visitation. “…Beloved children, I desire with great desire to thank My beloved Chosen Sons present here to receive My Graces. It is through you that My Graces will flow upon My Garment, The Garment Of Grace as I release today and unveil The Garment of Grace, the Scapular under the title of the Mediatrix of All Graces, I Who am She..”

3) October 15th 2014: Goa: St. Therese of Avila Feast day: “…A Sacred object that has been, like My Garment of Grace, that has been blessed cannot be sold or it will be like that moment when the Garment of “JESUS” at the foot of the Cross divided and sold, as in gambling, a vice, may this vice not be repeated with My Garment of Grace, for Grace will be obstructed and will not flow as it is to be desired by Me. Amen…”                                                                                                       
4) Batim Goa. All Saints Day. Our Lady’s Visitation November 1st 2014 “…I desire with great desire to bring you once again into the understanding where many of you have abandoned this understanding of My Sacramental Love through My Garment of Grace, after it has been blessed by a Consecrated Catholic Priest, in union with His Bishop, and obedient to The Holy Father, known to you as The Scapular…”


FOR THOSE WHO WEAR IT, AFTER BLESSED BY A CONSECRATED CATHOLIC PRIEST, IN UNION WITH HIS BISHOP AND OBEDIENT TO THE HOLY FATHER:                                                                                                                            
1) In these times Our Lady shall protect and conquer souls for God.                                  
2) We shall walk hand in hand and in Her Shadow.                                                              
3) No evil shall snatch us from Our Heavenly Mother.                                                       

 4) Anyone who dies clothed in this shall not suffer eternal fire; and if wearing it they die, they shall be saved.

Importantly, we are reminded that Sacred Objects like the Scapular and Medal that has been blessed cannot be sold.

ENDNOTE: So, once we have the understanding for these Privileges attached to the Scapular of Our Lady, Mediatrix of all Grace, let us never abandon it and actually promote to others. This Scapular of Our Lady, Mediatrix of all Grace is UNITED to that of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.


Ø  Blessing and clothing with the Scapular of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel enrolls the individual in the Scapular Confraternity, a prayer organization almost as large as the Church itself.

Ø  If Scapulars only are to be blessed, the priest begins the blessing with “Show us, O Lord, your mercy: and ends with the prayer “O Lord, Jesus Christ…”

1.    The Scapular Investiture Formula:

Priest :           Show us, O Lord, your mercy.
All        :           And grant us your salvation.
Priest :           O Lord, hear my prayer.
All        :           And let my cry come to you.
Priest :           The Lord be with you.
All        :           And also with you.

Priest :           Let us pray:
O Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of mankind, by your right hand sanctify + these Scapulars (this Scapular) which your servants (servant) will devoutly wear for the love of you and of your Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel; so that by her intercession, they (he/she) may be protected from the wickedness of the enemy and preserve in your grace until death; who live and reign forever and ever.

All        :           Amen.

2.    The PRIEST now sprinkles the Scapular with Holy Water.
3.    The PRIEST then says:

Receive this blessed Scapular and ask the Most Holy Virgin that by her merits, it may be worn with no stain and may protect you from all harm and bring you into everlasting life.

All        :           Amen.

4.    Then the Priest personally places the Scapular on each one.

5.    Priest:

By the power granted on me, I admit you to a share in all the spiritual works performed, with the merciful help of Jesus Christ, by the Religious of Mount Carmel; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All        :           Amen.

6.    Priest:

May Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth, bless you whom he has been pleased to receive into the Confraternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel.  We beg her to crush the head of the ancient serpent in the hour of your death, and in the end, to obtain for you a palm and the crown of your everlasting inheritance, through Christ Our Lord.

All        :           Amen.

7.    The PRIEST now sprinkles those enrolled with Holy Water.

TESTIMONY: Miraculous protection by Scapular of Our Lady Mediatrix of all Grace of Batim, Goa

On 24th Dec 2017 evening, my husband Erasmo was fixing decorative lights, finding a fault in the extension cord he was trying to check and repair the same with the current on. Suddenly his fingers slipped from the tester and landed on to the box and live wires, he was electrocuted, stuck in that position and could not shake himself free. He called out to my sons in the adjoining room to switch of the mains.

Erwin came out of his room and saw him shaking/shivering and immediately put off the main switch. His fingers and thumb were badly burnt, but he was safe. It could have been worse if nobody was near. He could have even got a cardiac arrest. Truly it was a miracle he was saved. He attributed this miracle to our dearest Mother Mary. He devoutly wears the Blessed Scapular of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Grace, which I got from Dr Celcio Dias from Batim

Truly we believe that Mary is with us always and protects us from all evil n danger.

Thank You Dearest Mother.

(Erasmo and Anabelle Mendonsa)

Chinchinim, Goa India