8 Dec

*HOUR OF GRACE on 8th Dec*

BACKGROUND: 2012, 28th November: between 2:30 a.m. to 5:30a.m. at appox 4:30 a.m. as I ( iveta)   prayed The Holy Rosary  for the fulfillment that Our Lady be proclaimed Mediatrix of All Graces by our Holy Father . Amen)
( today Pope Benedict the XVI . Amen)
( and as I pondered on The Hour of Grace for the 8th December 2012)

“Place before all My beloved children, My desire that they pray with Me The hours that have come to be known as The Hour of Grace on the feast day Celebrated in honour of My Immaculate Conception. This day that ( they) pray for the intention of My Immaculate Heart, that I be proclaimed as Mediatrix of All Graces by the Vicar of CHRIST, your Holy Father. This day who is Pope Benedict the XVI. The Bishop of Rome. My beloved chosen son, who carries the weight of the Catholic Church on earth. 

Know and understand that at this hour, as each of My beloved children pray for this the intention of My Immaculate Heart, I will grant them their intentions, that lay in their hearts even if they do not mention it with their lips as they pray, according to The Divine Will of God. The Hours of Grace being 12:00 a.m. and 12:00p.m. of the day that marks the feast day in honour of My Immaculate Conception .Amen.

The manner of prayers to be recited in honour of The Most Holy Trinity ( 3 ) Three times; THE ANGELUS, PSALM 51, PSALM 91 AND THE MAGNIFICAT. Ending with the prayer that Hails Me as Queen. Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy. For that , this Title as Mediatrix Of All Graces: Co Redemptrix and Advocate has been bestowed upon Me by The Most Holy Trinity in Heaven. That I alone, I only can replace Grace after Graces that My children have squandered and have become deficient off, as  their Holy Mother  when they invoke Me. Amen.

I AM The Mother of God. I AM The Immaculate Conception. I AM The Mediatrix of All Graces. I AM your Mother Who loves you dearly, My beloved children. Amen." 


Much GRACE is received on this day.

Note: Ideal time is 12 am OR 12 pm.

SUGGESTED HOLY HOUR OR PRAYER AT HOME: We are here on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady to adore and honour the Most Holy Trinity in this Hour of Grace. We will repent, pray for security under God’s protection in this evil covid pandemic and that Our Lady be proclaimed as Mediatrix Of All Grace by the Vicar of CHRIST, our Holy Father Pope Francis I.

In the name of The Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.  

Come Holy Spirit, come by the means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Thy well beloved Spouse.

Prayer to St. Michael…..

We shall now recite the Eucharist Prayer: O Most Holy Trinity/ I adore Thee! / My God, my God, I love Thee/ in the Most Blessed Sacrament!” (3 times)
We thank You and Praise You heavenly Father for the Immaculate Conception of Mary, the masterpiece of Your creation, in the womb of Her Mother. You created a tabernacle, Her womb, for Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to take flesh in the world, for our salvation.

Hail Immaculate Virgin Mary, Virgin of Virgins, bearer of God, Rosa Mystica, Mother of the Church and Our Mother, the living Tabernacle. You bore the only begotten Son of God Jesus, the fruit of Your womb. Oh perfect Adorer of the Triune God; be with us as we adore Him now. Intercede for us gathered here for Grace and Mercy for our salvation. Amen.

We will now meditate on the announcement to Mary of the birth of Jesus through the Angelus Prayer…………………..(3 times)

We now pray Psalm 51 for Repentance…………………..(3 times: with outstretched hands if space permits; optional)

Hymn: God of Mercy and Compassion (optional)……..

DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET / Holy Rosary (optional)………….

Although Mary is praised for being Mother of the Lord and because of Her belief, She reacts as the servant in a Psalm of Praise, the Canticle of Mary, the Magnificat (Lk1: 46-55)……………………………..(3 times)

We shall now pray Psalm 91 for Security under God’s protection in every dangerous situation……..……………………………..(3 times)

Hail Holy Queen…………

Hymn: We stand for God………

We shall now spend few moments in Holy silence praying for Our Lady’s intentions that Our Lady be proclaimed as Mediatrix Of All Grace by the Vicar of CHRIST, our Holy Father Pope Francis I .......................and also pray for our personal needs…… ……….

We pray now One Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be for our Holy Fathers Pope Francis, Benedict 16th, our Bishop ……….. all Priests and religious………………..

Concluding Prayer: O Most Holy Trinity, we have spent these precious moments adoring and honouring You on the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception as we venerate Her. Make us truly repentant often and protect in every dangerous situation. Grant us abundant Grace and Mercy today. Help us to do one Act of Mercy every day. We make this prayer through Your Son, who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

In the name of The Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.                                                                                                                                  =================

2009: DECEMBER 8th.– 12.00 a.m.


VISION: St. Michael descending carrying the Crucifix of the Holy Father.
The Holy Father will declare the last dogma – Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces. This will begin the division...(Oh my body is shivering Holy Mother…). I see a great riot in St. Peter’s square. There is much confusion and disturbance. There is screaming, yelling, crying…There is bloodshed.

The Angel writes – These are the first signs of the birth pangs of the great apostasy. These are the moments that have been predicted. You are entering a time of much need of prayers and fasting to sustain you in these moments of grief and persecution. You are entering martyrdom of many priests, Bishops and Cardinals. You are entering a time when you will see in your Churches the good and Holy Priests being replaced by those who have fallen to be advocates of satan, who will follow the antipope and the antichrist. They will teach lawless doctrine.

You are entering an age where closure of many Churches will take place for my Priests. They will have to disperse into what has been known in the past days as the persecution of the Holy Mother the Church – the underground Church.…..The Holy Rosary will protect them….You are entering an age of much lawlessness (I’m having great difficulty Mama. I’m almost frightened to bring this….Hail Mary / Holy Mary.

VISION: Blessed Mother all clothed in white – Oh Blessed Mother ….Oh Blessed Mother. She engulfs our statue. It is no longer Our Lady of Fatima. She is the Immaculate Conception. There is a banner below her. She’s dressed all in white. She carries a white Rosary in Her hands that are joined in prayer. She looks up into Heaven. She glances at us. Our hearts are opened before Her…There are many praying at this time. Their hearts are all around Her and they are open to Her. They have not yet entered Her’s.

“I am the Woman clothed in the Sun. I am the one to crush satan. In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. I am the Immaculate Conception, The Mediatrix of all Graces.  To Me, God the Father has given all graces and all power to protect my Children in these hours of the Great apostasy. Remain faithful to Me and give Me your heart each day in exchange for Mine and this way we will run together.

Yes, My beloved children, it is the last Christmas that you will be celebrating with Joy and Gladness for soon will befall the hidden moments of My Church – The Holy Catholic Church. Pray, pray for your Holy Father. Great suffering will befall him. The sign that I promised among the pines in the land called Garabandal is soon approaching. It is not far from many months from now, yet My Heart is sorrowful for My children who do not obey – will you pray many Rosaries and come together?

Celebrate this Christmas with the Joy of rejoicing as family of God with all those you have known as your brothers and your sisters, your mothers and fathers, your children. I thank all My beloved children for responding to My call to pray and to honour Me on this day that marks My Immaculate Conception. I assure you of My protection and Love. I assure all My Priests of My Motherly protection and in their hour of martyrdom to those that must shed their blood to bring forth the fruits of holiness for the future of the New Heavens and the New Earth. I will be with them to carry them through this painful time yet rejoicing into all eternity as conquerors for the Kingdom of Heaven. Be not afraid. I am with you always. Pray for your families, pray for the conversion of all sinners.

I love you dearly, make known these words of Mine in haste. I am the Immaculate Conception. I am the Mother of God. I am your Mother. Amen.”

“OUR LADY MEDIATRIX OF ALL GRACE, MOTHER OF GOD, O MARY CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN, PRAY FOR US” GRACE flowing out from The Holy Eucharist through Our Blessed Mother on to the entire world.